Events when DisplayObjects are added to or removed from DisplayObjectContainer


The added event is an Event object that is sent when a DisplayObject is added by the addChild or addChildAt function of DisplayObjectContainer.



The addedToStage event is a similar event, but it is an Event object that is sent out when a DisplayObjectContainer is added to a DisplayList and displayed on the screen.



The removed event is an event object that is sent when a DisplayObject is removed from a DisplayObjectContainer using the removeChild or removeChildAt function of the DisplayObjectContainer. The removed event is an event object sent when a DisplayObject is removed from the DisplayObjectContainer using the removeChild or removeChildAt function of the DisplayObjectContainer. It is also sent when a DisplayObjectContainer is moved from its existing position to a specified position using the addChild and addChildAt functions.



The removedFromStage event is a similar event, but it is an Event object that is sent out when the DisplayObjectContainer is removed from the DisplayList and disappears from the screen.


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