Apply the displacement map effect


The DisplacementMapFilter class performs object replacement (displacement) using the pixel values of a specified BitmapData object (called a replacement map image). This filter can be used to apply warping and speckling effects to objects inherited from the DisplayObject class, such as MovieClip, TextField, and Video objects.

  • mapBitmap

    BitmapData object containing the replacement map data

  • mapPoint

    Value containing the offset of the upper left corner of the target display object with respect to the upper left corner of the map image

  • componentX

    Specifies which color channels should be used in the map image when displacing the result of x

  • componentY

    Specifies which color channels should be used in the map image when displacing the result of y

  • scaleX

    Multiplier value to use when scaling up/down the x replacement result of the map calculation

  • scaleY

    Multiplier value to use when scaling up/down the y replacement result of the map calculation

  • mode

    Filter mode

  • color

    Specify the color to be used for out-of-range replacements

  • alpha

    Alpha transparency value to use for out-of-range replacements.

