How to use and sample videos

Blend Mode

Blending mode can be used to create compound images. Compounding is the process of changing the transparency or color interaction of multiple overlapping objects. Blending allows you to blend colors in overlapping movie clips to create unique effects.

Blend Mode List

  • normal

    The color is applied as normal and does not interact with the base color.

  • layer

    Allows you to superimpose movie clips without affecting the color.

  • darken

    Only areas lighter than the blend color will be replaced. Areas darker than the blend color will not be changed.

  • multiply

    The base color and the blend color are multiplied, resulting in a darker color.

  • lighten

    Only pixels darker than the blend color will be replaced. Areas lighter than the blend color will not be changed.

  • screen

    The blended color will be multiplied by the inverted color and the base color, resulting in a whitening effect.

  • overlay

    The color will be multiplied or screened depending on the base color.

  • hardlight

    Colors will be multiplied or screened depending on the blend mode color. The effect is as if a spotlight were shining on the object.

  • add

    It is usually used to animate a dissolve that dilutes the color between two images.

  • subtract

    It is usually used to animate the dissolve effect, which darkens the colors between two images.

  • difference

    Subtracts the lower brightness from the higher brightness of the base color and the blend color. This effect is similar to color inversion.

  • invert

    The base color will be inverted.

  • alpha

    The alpha mask will be applied.

  • erase

    All base color pixels will be removed, including the base color of the background image.