How to use and sample videos
Motion Tweening
Motion tweening is a type of animation that uses symbols to express movement, size and rotation changes, fades, and color effects. Curve points can be added from the right-click menu, and the added curve points can be controlled On/Off by double-clicking. If a curve point is no longer needed, it can be deleted with the delete key.
Easing List
- linear
- quad-in
- quad-out
- quad-in-out
- cubic-in
- cubic-out
- quart-in
- quart-out
- quart-in-out
- quint-in
- quint-out
- quint-in-out
- sine-in
- sine-out
- sine-in-out
- sine-in-out
- expo-in
- expo-out
- expo-in-out
- circ-in
- circ-out
- circ-in-out
- back-in
- back-out
- back-in-out
- elastic-in
- elastic-out
- elastic-in-out
- bounce-in
- bounce-out
- bounce-in-out